[ICTs-and-Society] statement of alternative informatics about gezi park and social media

Matze Schmidt matze.schmidt at n0name.de
Tue Jul 9 07:02:04 PDT 2013

_contemporary struggle [not =] historical struggle_: true, but these
situations and intensifications have patterns related to the general
social constitution(s) and if one wants to learn from history (e.g.
Hegel's rejection of learning from history has its meta-meaning in
learning from the im-possibility of this approach) one can see
parallels. The petit bourgeois and pseudo self-(un)employed rebellion
called democratic movement in Turkey has its compounds, its "social
groups". Instead of a hassle with media and its role these compounds,
namely humans in relationships and social connections, will decide. The
idea of media as media and a discourse of means as such will only lead
to a closed up systemtheory-discourse. When one denies production of
economical thoughts it ends in media-theory ;)

> I do not think you know what happened. It was
> not like any contemporary struggle.

>> We have a comparable situation in Turkey (as perhaps always): Here _the_
>> students as protesters cleaning streets, there ... .

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