[ICTs-and-Society] Call for Papers - Marx2013
Fredrik Sjögren
fredrik.sjogren at ltu.se
Mon Jul 22 12:15:04 PDT 2013
Dear all,
Please see this call for papers and note that deadline for abstracts is set to 1st of Aug.
Kind regards
Fredrik Sjögren
Luleå University of Technology and Center for Marxist Societal Studies, Luleå
Call for Papers
marx2013: Class Crisis Critique Capitalism
Conference 19–20 October 2013, ABF-huset, Stockholm, Sweden
Since the financial crisis in 2008, Karl Marx’ analysis of society have been discussed in wider circles, even amongst mainstream economists, in order to grasp the crisis of the global economy. What more can Marx’ analysis and social critique contribute with, if we want to understand contemporary society also in other senses? At the conference marx2013, distinguished international scholars discuss about the importance of Marx’ theories to understand today’s development of society, economy and culture, focusing concepts as class, crisis, critique and capitalism.
Marx2013 will take place in the borderland between academy and activism. Radical politics have always emanated from and interacted with radical philosophy and social science. For the last thirty years, radical social science has often been characterized by theories (post-colonial, Foucault, queer, gender, and cultural studies) other than the previously leading tradition based on Marx’ and Marxist theories. These more recent theories have often been developed out of a criticism of Marxism and have provided important contributions. In the light of this, marx2013 raises the question about the possibility of a more radical critique today.
At marx2013, we will organize academic sessions where researchers can present papers regarding the main themes of the conference.
The deadline for submitting a paper is 1 August 2013 (apart from two session, which have their deadline two weeks later).
Abstracts for papers should be submitted to the organizer of the relevant session.
The session organizers will let each applicant know if their papers have been accepted.
Below, you find a list with the sessions to which you can send paper proposals. More information about the sessions, you will find using the links after each session in the list.
Precariat as the Working Class 2.0 [session in English] http://marx2013.com/sessions/precariat-as-the-working-class-2-0/
How can we Understand Social Class with Marx Today? [session in English and Swedish] http://marx2013.com/sessions/how-can-we-understand-social-class-with-marx-today/
Class Struggles and Social-Ecological Relations [session in English] http://marx2013.com/sessions/class-struggles-social-ecological-relations/
Den nya vågen: Klass och genus i strejkrörelser bland offentliganställda under 2000-talet [session in Swedish] http://marx2013.com/sessions/den-nya-vagen-se/
Capital today [session in Swedish and English] http://marx2013.com/sessions/capital-today/
Technology and Critique [session in English] http://marx2013.com/sessions/technology-and-critique/
The crises and the other [session in English] http://marx2013.com/sessions/the-crises-and-the-other/
Marxist theory confronting the crises of our time [session in English] http://marx2013.com/sessions/marxist-theory-confronting-the-crises-of-our-time/
Contemporary Philosophical Readings of Marx [session not open for papers]
Apart from the key note speeches (which will be in English), there will also be organized some other lectures and seminars in Swedish during the conference. More information about this (and about other practicalities) will soon be presented at our webpage http://marx2013.org.
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