[ICTs-and-Society] ESA 2013 Conference "Crisis, Critique and Change": RN18 programme

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at uti.at
Thu Aug 1 02:23:52 PDT 2013

Dear colleagues,

Please find attached the programme for the stream of RN18 Sociology of 
Communications and Media Research at the European Sociological 
Association's 2013 conference "Crisis, Critique and Change" (August 
28-31, 2013). More information is available at: 

RN18 hosts 15 sessions, including one semi-plenary session that features 
talks by Bob Jessop and Graham Murdock on the political economy of 
culture, media and communications in times of crisis, and three joint 
sessions with other research networks.

Best, Christian Fuchs

Christian Fuchs
Professor of Social Media
University of Westminster,
Communication and Media Research Institute
http://fuchs.uti.at, http://www.triple-c.at
c.fuchs at westminster.ac.uk
+44 (0) 20 7911 5000 ext 67380
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