The first day of the ICTs-and-Society Network meeting – June 30, 2010 – will be shaped by PhD candidates’ presentations only. If you are a student and want to present, please send an abstract of 500 words by May 06, 2010 to Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt at and Celina Raffl at
The abstract should give a brief overview of your potential paper, its main questions and problems, key theories, methods and empirical material used (if any). You will be notified about acceptance within two weeks, after that we expected you to submit a full paper of up to 4000 words (not including references) by June 15, 2010.
Papers will be selected and each of them will receive 10 minutes of presentation time, focused feedback on their particular project from senior lecturers and appointed students. Thus each of you will be expected to give feedback to another student’s contribution. Be aware that your paper should not only deal with your dissertation thesis but will be evaluated against the criteria of how you reflect the problems of the field as indicated.
Wednesday, June 30, 2001: PhD Consortium
Coordinator: Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt
10:00 Welcome and Introduction
10:00 – 11:30 PhD Consortium Session I
Chair: Eduard Aibar & Alexander Banfield-Mumb
Respondent: Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt
Students: Marie Dufrasne, Jasmina Maric, Safiya Noble
11:30 – 11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 – 13:15 PhD Consortium Session II
Chair: Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt
Respondent: Eduard Aibar
Students: Filipe Manuel S. Bento, Camilo Cristancho Mantilla, Christina Neumayer
13:15 Lunch
14:45 – 16:15 PhD Consortium Session III
Chair: David Megías & Marisol Sandoval
Respondent: László Karvalics
Students: Suhain Muda, Swen Seebach, Ellen Strickland
16:15 – 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:00 PhD Consortium Session IV
Chair: Lisa Nakamura & Celina Raffl
Respondent: David Megías
Students: Matteo Cernison, Matthias Schafranek, Miriam Sweeney
18:00 – 18:15 Coffee Break
18:15 – 19:45 PhD Consortium Session V
Chair: László Karvalics
Respondent: Lisa Nakamura
Students: Peter Bujňák, Bence Kollanyi, Maria Luisa Malerba
21:30 Dinner Barcelona
Confirmed senior lecturers/respondents:
Eduard Aibar Puentes (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
László Karvalics (University of Szeged)
David Megías (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Lisa Nakamura (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Pille Pruulermann-Vengerfeldt (University of Tartu)
Doctoral students:
Name | Paper Title |
Filipe Manuel S. Bento | Information Integration, User Participation and Communities in Information Discovery |
Peter Bujňák | When a philosopher meets the internet |
Matteo Cernison | Refreshing the Web Sphere Approach |
Camilo Cristancho Mantilla | Protest Mobilization and Disagreement in Online Networks |
Marie Dufrasne | More debate on Europe for more of implication of the citizens? Analysis of the online debate forum Debate Europe |
Bence Kollanyi | Toward rural information society – the role of community in the diffusion of computer and internet skills in disadvantaged settings |
Maria Luisa Malerba | Social Networking on Facebook and Critical Glottodidactics |
Jasmina Maric | While we question it – they just do it! |
Suhaini Muda | Opportunities and Challenges of Collaborative Partnerships in Community Informatics to Improve the Underprivileged Lives |
Christina Neumayer | Studying Radical Political Communication Online: Methodological and Conceptual Challenges |
Safiya Noble | Prioritizing African-American Knowledge in Human Computer Interaction Theories: a Critical Perspective |
Matthias Schafranek | The republic of property on the Web: Commons-based peer production between real subsumption to capital and potential liberation by means of the general intellect |
Swen Seebach | The Disembodiment of Love. Love in Postmodern, Digital Spaces |
Ellen Strickland | ICTs and Island Communities: the Political Economy of Pacific Island Regional ICT Policy |
Miriam Sweeney | Interference: tracing cyberfeminism through the commercialized, graphic web |