[ICTs-and-Society] CEPE'13 - Final CFP + registration now open

Charles Ess charles.ess at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 04:49:39 PST 2013

Dear colleagues,

Please distribute the following announcement among your lists as
appropriate (and with appropriate apologies, caveats, etc.)
Final Call for Papers: Jan. 15 deadline for paper abstracts.

CEPE 2013- Ambiguous Technologies: Philosophical Issues, Practical
Solutions, Human Nature
Autónoma University of Lisbon in 2013, in Lisbon (Portugal), July 1st-3rd.
Note: the Society for Philosophy of Technology (SPT) will hold its 2013
conference - on the theme "Technology in the Age of Information" in
conjunction with and immediately following CEPE'13, i.e., July 4-6 in the
same venue: <http://www.spt2013.com/>.
Discounted fees are available to those attend both conferences.  Please see
<http://www.cepe2013.com/index.php/fees-registration> for fee schedule.
NB: earlybird registration closes April 15, 2013.

CEPE'13 will feature a rich list of keynote speakers and topics (see lists
below) as well as a "speed mentoring" workshop for younger scholars.

Important dates:
Extended deadline for paper abstract submission: January 15th, 2013
Abstracts selection: February 15th, 2013
Full papers submission due: May 15th, 2013

Submission due: February 15th, 2013
Selection: April 1, 2013

Keynote Speakers 
1. Marty Wolf, Bemidji State University, US (research interest: information
ethics and the philosophy of information and computation)
2. Rocci Luppicini, University of Ottawa, Canada (research interest:
technoethics and human enhancement)
3. Sylvester Arnab, Coventry University, UK (research interest: immersive
technologies for health and learning)
4. Ugo Pagallo, Turin University, Italy (research interest: roboethics and
5. Weizenbaum Award Winner - Luciano Floridi
Suggested topics - under the conference focus on philosophical issues,
practical solutions, human nature are:
* Forthcoming technologies (including but not limited to biometrics,
memetics, pervasive computing, ubiquitous computing, artificial
intelligence, military, nanotechnology, robotics, speckled computing);
* Biomedical technology, health and enhancement (including but not limited
to artificial vision, body implants, neural interfaces, synaptic sensors);
* Technologies of self and consciousness (including but not limited to
augmentation, extended memory);
* ICT: Philosophy, religion and technical issues (including but not limited
to philosophy/history, justice, ethics- intellectual property,
responsibility-, religion, engineering- design and reflection);
* Technology, gender and culture (including but not limited to education,
e-entertainment, computer/video games, media, social networking, serious
* Environmental and sustainability technologies (including but not limited
to green ICT, ICT ecological footprint, sustainable technologies transfer);
* ICT vis-à-vis globalisation (including but not limited to ICT4D);
* ICT vis-à-vis intercultural dialogue (including but not limited to
positive/negative case-studies);
* International ethics, law and policy issues (including but not limited to
context awareness, cyber security, surveillance).
The Organising Committee welcomes interdisciplinary perspectives by
researchers and practitioners from computer science, computer ethics,
information ethics, information systems, philosophy, anthropology,
sociology, biomedical sciences, because a broad spectrum of
analysis is intended.

For more information on submission procedures, speed mentoring
opportunities, and publication plans, please see the conference website,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Gonçalo Costa 
Reginaldo de Almeida (Autónoma University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Elizabeth Buchanan (University of Wisconsin-Stout, USA)
Arlindo Alegre Donário (Autónoma University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Michael Nagenborg (Tübingen University, Germany)
Ricardo Borges Santos (Autónoma University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Charles Ess
Lifetime member, AoIR

Associate Professor in Media Studies
Department of Media and Communication

Director, Centre for Research on Media Innovations

University of Oslo 
P.O. Box 1093 Blindern
Oslo Norway
email: charles.ess at media.uio.no

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