[ICTs-and-Society] Conference Presentations and Reviews

Astrid Mager astrid.mager at univie.ac.at
Mon May 7 06:07:33 PDT 2012

Hello everyone,

thanks Christian for all the additional information! & your detailed 
review of the conference!
I wrote a blogpost as well, for those interested:


I hope our discussions will continue on- and offline!

Best wishes from Vienna, Astrid

Am 06.05.2012 22:06, schrieb Christian Fuchs:
> Dear colleagues,
> A first reflection on the Uppsala conference has just been published:
> Fuchs, Christian. 2012. New Marxian Times! Reflections on the 4th ICTs 
> and Society Conference “Critique, Democracy and Philosophy in 21st 
> Century Information Society. Towards Critical Theories of Social 
> Media”. tripleC – Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society 
> 10 (1): 114-121.
> http://www.triple-c.at/index.php/tripleC/article/view/411
> If you are interested in writing a review of the conference in the 
> comment section of tripleC, please contact marisol.sandoval at uti.at.
> On multiple demand, we will provide the opportunity to share  
> conference presentation slides on the website. If you want to publish 
> your slides, then please send a link or a file in the desired format 
> (pdf or ppt etc) to marisol.sandoval at uti.at at latest until May 15th, 
> 2012. Please make sure that the file has your family name(s) as title. 
> In order to limit the amount of post-conference work, we do not accept 
> submissions later than May 15th.
> All participants, who have presented a paper at the conference, are 
> invited to submit a full paper to http://www.triple-c.at. Submission 
> is possible any time and submissions undergo peer-reviews, there are 
> no specific deadlines. Published conference contributions will hold 
> the acknowledgement that they were presented at this conference 
> (please see the submission guidelines here:
> http://www.triple-c.at/index.php/tripleC/about/submissions#authorGuidelines 
> I would like to also point you towards the fact that the special issue 
> of tripleC "Marx is Back: The Importance of Marxist Theory and 
> Research for Critical Communication Studies Today" (edited by 
> Christian Fuchs and Vincent Mosco) will be published in the course of 
> the next months. It will contain nearly 30 contributions, of which 
> some have been presented at the conference. By subscribing to 
> http://www.triple-c.at/index.php/tripleC/user/register as reader, one 
> receives updates about new issues and journal news.
> Finally, I want to point you towards a topically related conference 
> that will take place later this year, that I am helping to organise, 
> and that is accepting abstract submissions:
> Communication, Crisis, and Critique in Contemporary Capitalism.
> Conference of the European Sociological Association’s Research Network 
> 18 - Sociology of Communications and Media Research
> October 18-20, 2012. University of the Basque Country, Bilbao
> More information is available here:
> http://www.europeansociology.org/research-networks/rn18-sociology-of-communications-and-media-research.html 
> Best wishes,
> Christian Fuchs
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