[ICTs-and-Society] Opening Plenary Session (feat. Vincent Mosco, Graham Murdock) at the Uppsala Conference chaired by Janet Wasko

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at im.uu.se
Sat Mar 31 03:08:27 PDT 2012

Dear members of the ICTs and Society List,

I am happy to announce that Janet Waso will act as chair and discussant 
in the opening plenary sesssion “Marx is Back: The Importance ofBeing 
Critical in Media and Communication Studies Today” of the Uppsala 

She'll moderate and discuss a panel that features Vincent Mosco's talk 
"Marx is Back, but Will Knowledge Workers of the World Unite? On the 
Critical Study of Labour, Media, and Communication Today" and Graham 
Murdock's talk "The Digital Lives of Commodities: Consumption, Ideology 
and Exploitation Today".

All three scholars are leading experts in the Critical Political Economy 
of Media and Communications.

Vincent Mosco is Professor and Chair Emeritus in Queen's University's 
Department of Sociology. He is authors of seminal books like "The 
Political Economy of Communication" (second edition 2009), "The Laboring 
of Communication: Will Knowledge Workers of the World Unite" (with 
Catherine McKercher, 2008), and "The Digital Sublime: Myth, Power, and 
Cyberspace" (2004).

Graham Murdock is Professor of Culture and Economy at the Department of 
Social Sciences at Loughborough University. He has e.g. co-edited 
“Digital Dynamics” (2010), “The Public Sphere” (2010), the "Handbook of 
Political Economy of Communications" (2011), "Media in the age of 
marketizazion" (2007, together with Janet Wasko), and “The Political 
Economy of the Media” (1997, edited together with Peter Golding, 2 volumes).

Janet Wasko holds the Knight Chair for Communication Research at the 
University of Oregon. She is a author of books like "How Hollywood 
Works" and "Understanding Disney: The Manufacture of Fantasy " (2001). 
She is also co-editor of e.g. the  "Handbook of Political Economy of 
Communications (2011), "Dazzled by Disney?" (2001) as well as the editor 
of "A Companion to Television" (2005) .

The time schedule of the conference is available here:

The collection of plenary abstracts here:

Further information is available on the conference website:

The detailed programme of all plenary and parallel sessions (including 
abstracts) will be published in April and we will notify you once it is 
available online.

Best wishes,
Christian Fuchs

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