[ICTs-and-Society] fyi: blogpost & paper on life lived in media

Mark Deuze deuzemjp at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 26 11:02:44 PST 2012

of possible interest to some on this list (and with apologies for some 
potential crossposting), hopefully also inspiring some debate: two 
publications out today, one on scholarly group weblog Culture Digitally 
(http://culturedigitally.org/) and one at open access journal Digital 
Humanities Quarterly (http://digitalhumanities.org/dhq/) on the Media 
Life Project.

in this work and ongoing research (we're always looking for 
collaborations btw) we explore the consequences of considering our lives
 as lived not with, but in media.

the Culture Digitally piece focuses on the link between global activism 
and worldwide political clampdowns as these relate to (social) media:

the DHQ article, coauthored with Peter Blank (BlankMediation, Chicago) 
and Laura Speers (Kings College, London), looks more broadly at life 
lived in media as an ontological turn in media studies:

cheers, Mark
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