[ICTs-and-Society] Sustainable Internet Communities as alternative to the capitalist Internet and capitalist ICTs?

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at uti.at
Fri Jan 20 01:44:30 PST 2012

Am 1/20/12 10:31 AM, schrieb Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos:
> Dear Christian and friends,
> This issue is important, interesting and a challenge. Why not arrange a
> round table discussion on this theme at the conference in May?
> Regards,
> Iordanis

Thanks for the suggestion, Iordanis. The abstract submissions show thus 
far that these topics will be quite relevant at the conference. We'll do 
the best to group the presentations topic-wise and to have time for 
discussions so that we will de-facto have session oriented on various 
specific topics.

Best wishes, Christian

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