[ICTs-and-Society] Conference "Communication, Crisis and Critique in Contemporary Capitalism": pre-conference mailing list discussion, Facebook

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at uti.at
Mon Aug 27 15:24:16 PDT 2012

Dear members of the ICTs and society-list,

I want to point you towards another event focusing on information 
society studies:
Communication, Crisis and Critique in Contemporary Capitalism
University of the Basque Country
October 18-20, 2012
Conference of the European Sociological Association - RN 18: Sociology 
of Communications and Media Research

ESA RN18 FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/esarn18 (feel free to invite 
colleagues who are interested in media & society to join the group)
FB conference event page:

We also have a mailing list, to which you can subscribe here:

The conference programme will be published during the next few week.

Pre-conference discussions on the topic of the conference - 
Communication, Crisis and Critique in Contemporary Capitalism - are 
welcome on the mailing list:
What is the role of communication in contemporary capitalism?
What does it mean to critically study communication today? Which 
theories, philosophers, methods, normative approaches, practices do we 
need in order to interpret the crisis and change society?
What are the implications of the current crisis (crises?) for media and 
communication in society?

Christian Fuchs
Chair of ESA RN18

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